Freddie helps send kids to (musical) camp.
When Álvaro Rodas completed a prestigious seminar that trains musicians to educate underserved communities throughout the US, he decided to go camping.
And he is hoping the Corona Children’s Choir Camp he created this year strikes a chord with an area he felt was “ripe” for such a program.
Rodas, 40, who taught impoverished children in his native Guatemala, strongly believes music can be an instrument for social change.
The free summer camp that started Aug. 9, 2010 is attended by about 100 local youngsters each day.
“I love everything about this project,” says Freddie, who donated nearly the entire camp budget. “These kids are all better for what this experience will be.”
Click here to see The New York Daily News’ online version of the story.
Click here to see The New York Daily News’ print version of the story.
Click here to see Broadway World’s story about The Corona Youth Music Project, the parent organization the camp grew out of.
Click here to see a YouTube video of The Corona Children’s Chorus in an impromptu street performance for Mayor Bloomberg.